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Product Image Mangosteen



Mangosteen, commonly referred to as the Queen of Fruits, is grown in the tropical regions of Thailand, India, Mayaysia and the Philippines. Often described as the world's most delicious fruit. Mangosteen is also known for its medicinal properties. The white fruit and the purple rind of this"gift from the rainforest" have been used to treat such medical conditions as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, dysentery, eczema, diarrhea and many more diseases. Mangosteen has an incredibly potent antioxidant power rivaling that of vitamin C and vitamin E. This antioxidant power comes from natural chemical substances known as xanthones, which have recently won high praise from numerous scientist and researchers. With over 20 xanthones combinations, mangosteen juice is one of the most complex whole food supplements ever. The xanthones found in this fruit have been put to the test and have astounded researches.this HTML class. Value is http://my.xango.de/pennycordier/